ZSH and Octopress
Octopress has a number of handy rake tasks, which can be easily found with rake -T
. My favorite is rake new_post
, which bootstraps a Markdown file (much like the one I am currently writing) with the metadata needed to make it click.
If you’re a ZSH user, you might have noticed that titling the post (rake new_post['My Title Here']
) doesn’t want to work. This is because ZSH performs globbing on commands, causing this particular one to choke. There’s a couple solutions:
- Simply do
rake new_post
. The command will ask for a follow-up with the title, which is easy enough. - Run
noglob rake ...
each time, or alias it asrake="noglob rake"
in your.zshrc
I prefer the first, as I’m not too fond of aliasing over a command I use so often. Some additional options can be found on the appropriate Octopress issue on Github
Edit: I have stopped using Octopress in favor of Jekyll. This post is kept for posterity.