Workers Entrypoints

A Cloudflare Workers application can have multiple entrypoints, allowing for different usage patterns.

Cloudflare Workers traditionally has allowed definition of a single entrypoint for a Workers application. The initial version of Workers did this via an event listener:

const handleRequest = request => {
return new Response('Hello world!')
addEventListener('fetch', event => {

In the last few years, most developers have migrated to the “module” syntax for Workers, as we’ve standardized on it in our tooling:

export default {
async fetch(request, env, ctx) {
return new Response('Hello world!')

This means that your Workers code, for instance, defined in index.js, has a default export. That export is a module with a collection of functions representing different events - fetch, to handle HTTP requests, or scheduled, to trigger on a cron trigger.

This module is the primary entrypoint for a Workers application. But it turns out that you can define other entrypoints to serve other purposes.


Yesterday, I wrote about Cloudflare Workflows:

Workflows are a new feature in Cloudflare’s developer platform. You can use workflows to safely execute a series of steps as defined by code. Inside the workflows-starter directory, src/index.ts defines two top-level exports: the workflow entrypoint, as well as a default module that handles HTTP requests.

To define a workflow, you can export a class that extends WorkflowEntrypoint. The module that is exported by default still allows fetch, scheduled, and other events to access the Worker:

export class MyWorkflow extends WorkflowEntrypoint<Env, Params> {
async run(event: WorkflowEvent<Params>, step: WorkflowStep) {
await step.sleep('wait on something', '1 minute');
await'test step', async () => {
return 'OK, done!';
// Module entrypoint
export default {
3 collapsed lines
async fetch(req: Request, env: Env): Promise<Response> {
return new Response('Hello world!');

This is an interesting model! It allows you to define multiple entry points for a single Workers application.

Workers RPC

In an upcoming release of workers-graphql-server, I’ve added preliminary support for Workers RPC. Workers RPC allows you to access Workers applications from one another. Let’s look at how that works.

You can arbitrarily export any number of classes from your Workers application, as long as they extend the WorkersEntrypoint class. For example, a MoviesService that connects to a D1 database1. That’s right - more entrypoints!

import { WorkerEntrypoint } from "cloudflare:workers";
export class MoviesService extends WorkerEntrypoint {
async getMovies() {
const query = "select * from movies";
const { results: movies } = await this.env.DB
return movies;
export default {
async fetch(request, env, ctx) {
7 collapsed lines
const url = new URL(request.url);
if (url.pathname === "/movies") {
const { results: movies } = await this.env.DB
return new Response(JSON.stringify(movies));

In any project, you can then import this class via service bindings:

name = "workers-graphql-server"
binding = "MOVIES"
entrypoint = "MoviesService"
service = "d1-movie-example"

That binding MOVIES connects to the MoviesService class inside of d1-movie-example. You can use it like any other function, but it is a genuine different application, imported somewhat magically:

function getBestMovies(env) {
const movies = await env.MOVIES.getMovies()
return movies.sort((a, b) => b.rating - a.rating)

This is super legit. It’s microservice architecture without needing to care about deployments, scaling, or any of that other stuff. Really impressive!


As a long-time user2, I’m quite happy to see how entrypoints have evolved into a way to access the same application and core logic through different strategies - not just HTTP requests, but workflows, RPC calls, and (I imagine) even more ways in the future.


  1. This example is derived from my d1-movie-example repo.

  2. Sure, I work at Cloudflare - but I don’t have any particular insight into how entrypoints will evolve on the Workers platform, or how they’ll be used in the future.