

This post is out of date

This post has been migrated from my old blog. It may have broken links, or missing content.

Quickly, on Christmas Eve:

I’ve had an interest in making some kind of game for a long time. I was going to participate in Ludum Dare 24, but I had some personal stuff come up and couldn’t get started on it. I still, however, had some interest in messing around with some basic game engines.

In classic Kristian fashion, I decided to use the chainsaw instead of the butter knife. I downloaded Unity last night and began going through the tutorials in the documentation.

The first thing I made was a 3D ball-rolling gamer similar to Super Monkey Ball. I learned about the interface of Unity, the creation of planes, walls, and collision architecture, as well as creating basic models.

The great part about Unity is that it is remarkably easy to deploy. The binary process can build to Windows, Mac, and Linux, and the Web Player uses the Unity player to allow playing in an HTML page.

I’ve open-sourced that first game, and also have made it playable! It’s not much, but enjoy!