Recent developer tool discoveries

Time flies! It's been a month since I last published.

I've been spending a lot of time recently hacking on my configuration setup.

I've written about zellij on this blog in the past, and that was one of the big things that caused me to rethink a lot of my setup.

The idea is basically "what are the things I take for granted in my setup that have new alternatives?"

Quick list of some of my recent moves:

fzf in particular has been super interesting to me. I suspect if my Unix skills were a bit better, I could pipe all sorts of things into it.

One of my favorite tricks with it is to execute from a series of scripts using ./, followed by fzf's built-in <C-t> command, which is a fuzzy file finder.

Imagine I have a folder requests, which contains a collection of scripts. If I type ./, then press <C-t>, I can fuzzy find everything that is a child of the current directory. So I can type re/ (filter fuzzily down to things inside of requests/, and then pick the file I want. The filename is output to the terminal, and since it was prefixed with ./, I can press enter to execute it. Sweet!

CleanShot 2024-07-17 at 14

#tip #webdev