Skipping 𝕏 for Lent

Reflections on giving up 𝕏 for Lent


For this year’s Lent, I’ve decided to stop using 𝕏. It’s honestly kind of sad. I use it that much, that it’s actually something I have to intentionally bail on for 40 days? But here we are. And I’ve actually learned a lot from it.

My 𝕏 usage has changed a lot in the last few years. I used to follow a lot of rage-bait. A lot of engagement bait, particularly in the programming space. I’ve become a lot more intentional about what I follow. And now I would say my 𝕏 usage is mostly based on learning. Particularly stuff like health - I discovered Ray Peat via 𝕏, which has been super valuable. I can honestly say that, at least, what I’m reading on there is significantly better than it was a few years ago.

But after being off it now for a few weeks, I’m like, wait. Social media still sucks! It is still hijacking my dopamine/ruining my attention span. Even if it’s ostensibly “valuable” stuff, I’m getting distracted by it for hours a day. I feel the shift when I’m sitting around during the day and know I won’t be able to go on the site. I’m reading more books, or sitting around thinking about stuff.

So this has been a valuable period for me! I may not even come back afterwards. Most of the stuff I find interesting on 𝕏 is summarized versions of other stuff. I would really like to find a way to take some of those thread-y style posts on 𝕏 and access them outside of the site. For instance, there is a ton of valuable information and contacts on 𝕏 in the hold-co/operator space, which I will miss by not being on the site. I need to find a way to access that stuff without doomscrolling (or in my case, hopescrolling? idk)

By the way… the mega challenge I need to do next year: give up podcasts for Lent 2026. That would be literally 15+ hours a week that I would have to use on something else. I have podcasts playing constantly in the background, ALL the time. I’m doing it next year. It will be nuts.