Install fonts with Homebrew

How to install most fonts in a single command, using Homebrew.


One of the best parts about Homebrew is Homebrew Cask. Cask allows you to install GUI apps for macOS using the standard brew commands. It used to be a separate installation, but now it is included in Homebrew itself.

Most people are familiar with Cask for installing GUI apps, but you may not know that it also allows you to install fonts. Installing fonts is usually an annoying process:

  1. Download the font family
  2. Unzip the archive
  3. Open every font and click “Install” in Font Book

With Homebrew Cask, you can do this in a single command:

Terminal window
$ brew install font-$fontname

Let’s install Atkinson Hyperlegible, the font I use on this site.

You can also search for any font by using brew search. This will show the exact cask name that you need to install the font:

Terminal window
$ brew search atkinson
==> Casks

I can run brew install to automatically install the font, including all variants:

Terminal window
$ brew install font-atkinson-hyperlegible