Date and time numbers cheatsheet

A list of date and time numbers that all programmers should know


Here’s a list of useful date and time numbers that all programmers should know.


  • How many seconds are in a minute? 60
  • How many seconds are in an hour? 3,600 (60 * 60)
  • How many seconds are in a day? 86,400 (24 * 3,600)
  • How many seconds are in a week? 604,800 (7 * 86,400)
  • How many seconds are in a year? 31,536,000 (365 * 86,400)


  • How many minutes are in an hour? 60
  • How many minutes are in a day? 1,440 (24 * 60)
  • How many minutes are in a week? 10,080 (7 * 1,440)
  • How many minutes are in a year? 525,600 (365 * 1,440)


  • How many hours are in a day? 24
  • How many hours are in a week? 168 (7 * 24)
  • How many hours are in a year? 8,760 (365 * 24)

Calendar Units

  • How many days are in a week? 7
  • How many days are in a year? 365
  • How many weeks are in a year? 52 (plus 1 day)

Leap Years

  • How many days are in a leap year? 366
  • How many hours are in a leap year? 8,784 (366 * 24)
  • How many minutes are in a leap year? 527,040 (366 * 1,440)
  • How many seconds are in a leap year? 31,622,400 (366 * 86,400)
  • How many weeks are in a leap year? 52 (plus 2 days)