Creating a custom post list page in Bear

How to add custom pages to bearblog for a specific tag.


This post is out of date

This website used to be published on a different blog engine called Bear. The content here refers to a past configuration or implementation that may not be relevant any longer to the current version of this website.

To link to my “Tips” section of my blog – which is any post tagged “tip” – I first tried to link to the standard post list page, with a filter applied:

This works, but Bear actually has a feature for embedding blog post lists in any page1.

You can create a new page, and insert the list like this:

{{ posts|tag:"tip" }}

This allows more customization, since you can add a description, any wrapper text around the list, etc.

Now, my “Tips” page lives at a proper URL: /tags/tip.


  1. Full docs here.